5 Crossfit Air Bike Workouts To Burn Fat and Improve Conditioning
The air bike (assault bike) can be down right heinous in terms of improve conditioning. You'll need a pre workout supplement to get you through these workouts.
Crossfit involves a lot of conditioning work. Some even suggest that crossfit is more of an endurance or strength endurance sport than a strength or power sport. Either way you look at it, along the spectrum of strength qualities (power to extreme endurance and everything in between), every aspect of performance depends on the other.
Any athlete can use these air bike workouts to burn fat and improve conditioning regardless of their sport or physique goal as pat of their interval training workouts.
"Sneak Attacks"
To me this is a basic but difficult workout that can be done on a lower volume day or when fat loss is a priority.
10 rounds for time
10 thrusters (95/65 lb)
10 Bar Over Burpees (Here's more burpee workouts for fat loss )
10 calorie assault Air Bike
Crossfit Air Bike Workout #2
Assault Rapid Fire
Now we get into the air bike workouts that can increase muscle growth as well. The fitter we can come (defined by our ability to lift heavy weights under fatigue), the more muscle we can build.
5 rounds for time
5 renegade rows (65/35 lb)
10 dumbbell lunges (65/35 lb)
5 half kneeling presses (65/35 lb)
10 calorie assault air bike
This is going to build up fast
King Kettlebell
Oh lord. If you want to build muscle with kettlebells then this is the crossfit workout for you.
5 Rounds for time
15 kettlebell swings (75/55 lb)
10 lunges
15 calorie assault air bike
10 Push ups
15 sit ups
10 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull
(Training for the tactical games? Use this workout)
Crossfit Air Bike Workout #4
Barbell blitz. Make no mistake about it, any crossfit upper body workout relies on using a barbell. This AMRAP not only increases overhead strength and shoulder growth but forces your cardio to improve at the end.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
3 Overhead squats (95/65 lbs)
6 overhead lunges (95/65 lb)
9 Power Snatches (95/65 lb)
12 Push Ups
15 calorie assault air bike
I want to point out that while the air bike is fantastic for cardio and conditioning, it isn’t the only tool. By incorporating crossfit air bike workouts into your overall training program, you constantly improve your fitness and your ability to improve your strength under fatigue.