google-site-verification=k-i09LeRnKqcC_fNZUQpn0HoRMuVKT0e_A7FQClPstE 6 Back Squat Workouts To Build Crossfit Power And Strength – Physique Formula

6 Back Squat Workouts To Build Crossfit Power And Strength

A big back squat turns heads no matter where you train at. Maybe it's a commercial gym where almost no one back squats to begin with so anything over 315 looks impressive. We all know that powerlifters are going to put up numbers. Nowhere may a big back squat be more impressive than in the Crossfit Games right in the middle of a multiple day event.

There's some obvious reason why having a strong back squat is essential

  • Your legs are the anchor for every movement in crossfit. Squatting is going to increase your deadlift and your overhead squat and your split jerk, all of it.
  • Crossfit is varied movements and leg strength is essential for everything that Crossfit is going to throw at you even if it's paddle boarding, trail running, sprinting or anything else.
  • How strong and muscular is your upper body really going to be without muscular legs?

This isn't to say that you have to only perform heavy three rep sets or less. It's arguable that you'll never reach your pinnacle of performance if you don't train with some higher rep back squat sets. Frequency is another factor for muscle growth in the same way that intensity or load is.

Use these 6 crossfit inspired back squat workouts to build power and strength

Crossfit Back Squat Workout #1


  • 3 Rounds For Time
  • 5 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
  • 25 Back Squats (185/135 lb)

Crossfit Back Squat Workout #2


With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written for 7 rounds. Take the back squats from a rack.

Score is the time on the clock when the last round of back squats is completed.

Crossfit Back Squat Workout #3

"Last Ascent"

  • 5-10-15 Rounds for Time
  • Back Squats (225/155 lb)
  • Box Jumps (20/24 in)

Crossfit Back Squat Workout # 4

"San Fran Crippler"

  • For Time
  • 30 Back Squats (bodyweight)
  • 1,000 meter Row

Crossfit Back Squat Workout #5

"The Crippler"

  • For Time
  • 30 Back Squats (225/155 lb)
  • 1 mile Run

Crossfit Back Squat Workout #6

"James Amato"

  • EMOM for 12 minutes
  • Odd Minutes:
  • 6 Back Squats (275/205 lb)
  • Even Minutes:
  • 12 4-Count Mountain Climbers


There we go. Start squatting