google-site-verification=k-i09LeRnKqcC_fNZUQpn0HoRMuVKT0e_A7FQClPstE 6 Crossfit Dumbbell Workouts To Improve Endurance – Physique Formula

6 Crossfit Dumbbell Workouts To Improve Endurance

Dumbbells are my single favorite exercise tool when training for higher repetition more endurance based tasks. I find that they are easier to manage than kettlebells yet allow for better muscle coordination than barbells. Truthfully to be a fully developed athlete you need to train with every implement possible from dumbbells to sandbags to tactical weight vests, all of it matters.

Here’s my 6 favorite crossfit dumbbell AMRAP workout to improve endurance.

Quarter Gone Bad
5 rounds for total reps in 15 minutes
15 second thrusters
45 second rest
15 seconds weight pull ups
45 second rest
15 second burpees
45 seconds rest

Montcon Remembrance Day
AMRAP in 19 minutes 18 seconds
11 box jumps
11 dumbbell swings
11 lunges (alternating legs)

AMRAP in 20 minutes with a weight vest
6 dumbbell devil press
7 box steps ups

AMRAP in 28 minutes
15 russian kettlebell swings
20 box jumps
25 dumbbell hang shut cleans
30 burpees
From 12:00 to 13:00, rest in silence

(This would be a fantastic tactical games workout)

AMRAP in 20 minutes
8 pull ups
12 dumbbell snatches
17 wall ball shots

All Seasons
AMRAP in 20 minutes
21 calorie row
18 wall ball shots
15 box jumps
12 alternating dumbbell snatches
9 burpees
6 power cleans

(This is also a great endurance workout too)

These dumbbell AMRAP workouts are all structured to increase your muscular endurance and improve your overall exercise capacity.