google-site-verification=k-i09LeRnKqcC_fNZUQpn0HoRMuVKT0e_A7FQClPstE Assault Bike Workouts For Fat Loss – Physique Formula

Assault Bike Workouts For Fat Loss

It’s called the assault bike for a reason. It’s difficult and sometimes brutal yet the assault bike can improve your endurance, make you fitter and increase your fat loss if part of your regular programming and training.

assault bike fat loss workouts

What are the unique advantages of training with the assault bike or Rogue echo bike?

Full body resistance

Think of a regular bike. You’re not pumping your arms on the road or on the gym on your bike are you? This unique addition of the upper body not only enhances calorie burning but it increases lactic acid accumulation.

Train hard for longer

The assault bike improves your ability to train hard for longer. Better conditioning allows you to burn calories more efficiently, train longer and recover faster. To my previous point about lactic acid accumulation, our body will shuttle the lactic acid from our working muscles to other muscle areas in order to remove the lactic acid from our system. When we’re doing an assault bike workout for fat loss, we’ll have lactic acid accumulation in both our upper and lower body. (1)

Enhanced workout intensity

The assault bike pairs well with other exercises. I love adding the assault bike as part of a EMOM or AMRAP workout as well as at the end to finish off a workout. Regardless of how you add the assault bike into your workout, it will cause you to get more out of your training and burn more calories.

These are my five favorite assault bike fat loss workouts.


21 Minute AMRAP
21 calorie assault air bike
21 kettlebell swings
21 ab mat sit ups

King Kettlebell

5 rounds for Time
15 kettlebell swings
10 lunges
15 calorie assault air bike
10 push ups
15 sit ups
10 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls

7 Rounds for time
7 calorie assault bike
7 kettlebell swings
7 goblet squats
7 toes to bars
7 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
7 bar over burpees

“Cardio Complex”
For Time
Round 1:
1,000 meter Row
1 mile Assault Air Bike
200 Single-Unders
Round 2:
750 meter Row
0.8 mile Assault Air Bike
150 Single-Unders
Round 3:
500 meter Row
0.6 mile Assault Air Bike
100 Single-Unders
Round 4:
250 meter Row
0.4 mile Assault Air Bike
50 Single-Unders

Death By Cardio
1-10 cal row
2-10 cal ski
3-10 cal bike (flywheel bike)
4-1 min rest

Add one calorie after every round. When you have reached and done 20 cals then the workout is over. Every calorie that you did not do, will convert in to burpees. So if you skipped the last round, you will need to do 60 burpees. If you have consistently missed 2 burpees in the last 3 rounds it will convert in 18 burpees.

These are my five favorite assault bike workouts that I rely on when I want to burn body fat and improve my endurance. Give them a shot.
