Drop Lunges For Tighter Glutes

Drop Lunges For Bikini Training

I recently was hired to design the nutrition plan of an elite bikini competitor and naturally we got talking about her training, which I was not involved in.

(Here's an overview of her diet to sculpt leaner and tighter legs)

She wanted my opinion on geting a more shapely backside and I responded with a question.

"Have you ever done drop lunges?"

Like most people I speak too, she has never even heard of this fantastic exercise. I sent her along the video below and told her to immediately add 3 sets of 8-15 reps into her training twice a week.





So what makes drop lunges so effective? You have to create movement in a plane of motion that you almost NEVER train in AND you do it from a deficit.

Think about every other lunge or leg exercise that you do. You almost ALWAYS work through one plan of motion and you NEVER change levels during the exercise.

Start adding drop lunges in RIGHT NOW and check out lean legs exercise #1, exercise #3 , the nutrition guide and the complete lean leg workout PDF