google-site-verification=k-i09LeRnKqcC_fNZUQpn0HoRMuVKT0e_A7FQClPstE Glutamine For IBS (Benefits and How To Use) – Physique Formula

Glutamine For IBS (Benefits and How To Use)

Glutamine is an amino acid with some pretty unique properties and benefits specifically when it comes to IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. While you can find glutamine in protein rich foods, many of the benefits in studies have been found with supplement glutamine use.

Irritable bowel syndrome manifests in a few not so subtle ways including
-Lack of energy
-Upset stomach
-Fatty deposits in stool
-Inability to process fat dominant foods.

Lately research has focused on the use of glutamine with irritable bowel syndrome due to glutamines ability to increase the strength of the lining of the gut. There is also some research that suggests your lack of glutamine is why you have IBS to begin with. Glutamine is a stress based amino acid in that any time there is a stressful event in your life, your natural glutamine stores are decreased. Glutamine is a non essential amino acid and your body does produce it on its own but the question is, does it produce enough for todays world?

Specifically when weight training you are beating down your gut and glutamine acts a fuel for working muscle tissues.

Intense training in of itself is a stressor let alone if you train hard multiple times per week. Combine that with the fact that we live in a constant stress environment or have lapses of illness and you see why we have this difficulty with our IBS.

Studies show that L glutamine consumption increases the strength of our gut health or our gut permeability. As a result, whole food particles, bacteria and other toxins and pesticides can not enter our gut and lead to inflammation.

How Do You Take Glutamine For IBS?

While capsules are available, I don’t think you’ll ever get enough glutamine out of those capsules to be effective. My suggestion is for you to take a glutamine powder. I include 3 grams of L-glutamine in the Physique Formula BCAAs or you can take a glutamine powder by itself.

Upwards of 20 grams per day is recommended but make sure you start slow.


