google-site-verification=k-i09LeRnKqcC_fNZUQpn0HoRMuVKT0e_A7FQClPstE Tactical Burpee Conditioning For Muscular Strength – Physique Formula

Tactical Burpee Conditioning For Muscular Strength

I’m not sure anyone really likes burpees. But there is an old saying, do what’s difficult. Burpees certainly line up in that category yet there is a hidden benefit.

I’m not talking about fat loss or the improvement in your heart rate or vo2 max. I’m not even talking about the simplicity of the movement. Burpees can actually increase muscular strength and growth, indirectly.

There’s no magical set or rep scheme to turn an ordinary burpee into a muscle building burpee but endurance is actually the most frequently used strength quality yet no one trains it. It could be a one rep max squat or a 20 rep set of rows, endurance plays a role in how structurally sound your body will operate.

Especially for the tactical athletes reading this article, burpees are key for tapping into new found muscle strength and growth. Any type of multi functional workout that you often see written, any NAVY seal or special forces workout article, they all include the same general programming. You even see it in many Crossfit workouts, that is, endurance with power and the requirement to train with an elevated heart rate.

Burpees are often included in those workouts to make the training more difficult but by themselves, they can improve your capacity to train longer. Here's more burpee conditioning workouts.

Here’s our 5 favorite tactical burpee conditioning workouts for muscular strength

“Shane” (a great partner workout)

AMRAP for 20 minutes (As Many Rounds As Possible)
8 burpees
21 air squats
12 burpees

Donny-hero WOD

21-15-9-9-15-21 Reps For Time
Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)

(My personal favorite)

Jeremy-hero WOD

21-15-9-9-15-21 for time
Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)

Riley-Hero WOD

This is a tactical weight vest workout

For time
1.5 mile run
150 burpees
1.5 mile run

Wear a weight vest (20/14)

Freddy’s Revenge

5 Rounds For Time
5 Devil Presses (40/20)
10 burpees


Give one of these 5 tactical burpee conditioning workouts a try and you'll notice increased muscular strength.